
The PageUp system has really helped me streamline the whole process and rebrand our entire employment division.

Amanda Puchon

Manager - Talent Management and Retention, Swarthmore College

When Amanda Puchon, Manager of Talent Management and Retention at Swarthmore College started at the college, the recruitment process was entirely paper based. “It was hard to track and hard to report. The PageUp system has really helped me streamline the whole process and rebrand our entire employment division,” she says.

Top three criteria

When Puchon started searching for a solution, she had three top criteria, the platform:

  1. needed to integrate with Banner;
  2. had to offer strong customer service;
  3. must have a really friendly user experience for all users – including committee members and hiring managers – the easier the better.

“PageUp met all that criteria plus some additional features that we didn’t currently have,” says Puchon.

Better applications and a better applicant experience

Swarthmore College’s new website has had a significant impact. “We have so many more and better applications, a better applicant experience and a better new hire experience,” says Puchon. And it’s not just applicants that love the platform, “Our hiring managers enjoy using the system. It’s opened up more communication between human resources, hiring managers, search committee members and new hires. I think it completely transformed the whole employment process overall,” adds Puchon.

Return on investment

The key return on investment for Swarthmore College has been time saved. “I have streamlined the process from the approval process to recruitment, delivering a better applicant experience, a better onboarding and new hire experience,” says Puchon. It’s also saved the college money. “From a cost perspective, being able to add in the the job boards has been very cost-effective for us. We’ve spent less overall because we were able to track what sources really work. We now have reports which we have never had in the past.”

Great customer service

“The customer service has been has been amazing. I was really impressed from the very beginning of the process,” says Puchon. A highlight was the two-day workshop PageUp conducted onsite with the college. “We mapped out on a board what our current process looked like and then we talked about what we wanted the new process to look like. We talked about some key functions that we don’t have that we really wanted to implement. Being able to have a consultant in there with us to think through the things that we may not have thought of ourselves was really helpful. The ongoing support has been amazing.”

Swarthmore College continues to save on job board fees and reap the benefits of a more streamlined approach.

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