
Talent Lab 4 is the latest in a series of thought-provoking research and thought leadership content produced by PageUp Talent Lab.  

PageUp CEO and Co-Founder, Karen Cariss, launches Talent Lab 4 and reveals the question that we seek to answer through this Lab:

Cracking the innovation code – what is the role of human capital?

The topics being explored in this Lab include:


The innovation spectrum: Innovation extends from evolution to revolution; from continuous improvement to breakthrough change. How do we define innovation? Are the big ideas the best innovations or does incremental improvement deliver more sustainable results?

Innovation vs risk: Uncertainty and volatility create opportunities and threats. How can business leaders balance the dichotomy between innovation and risk? What roles do values and leadership play in creating clarity and alignment?


Creating a culture of innovation: Companies that create an innovation-focused culture reap the rewards. Fresh mindsets and innovative approaches to leadership, learning and performance underpin this culture shift. What strategies will deliver the greatest payback?

Workforce agility by design: Static and hierarchical organisationalorganizational structures inhibit capability and speed to innovate. On the flipside, agile ways of working enable organisationsorganizations to flex in response to change and deploy rapid innovation. HR is challenged to develop an adaptable workforce. Is talent mobility the new imperative?  

Embracing digitalisationdigitalization: OrganisationsOrganizations continue to lag in their application of social and mobile solutions. How can prolific consumer technologies be applied to reshape the employment experience? What are the implications of new and potentially transformative technologies for Human Resources?

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