
SACS Consulting is an organisationalorganizational psychology consulting firm dedicated to partnering with organisationsorganizations to optimiseoptimize their people practices. SACS was established in 1975 and brings a strong history of providing services to a wide range of companies.

SACS’ psychometric assessments are Australian normed and vigorously backed by research in our primary research partnership with Deakin University. We can assess cognitive ability to evaluate whether a candidate has the capability to perform a role, personality to see if they have the traits that are suited to a role, and values to assess if they are a cultural match with the organisationorganization. We have hundreds of clients across sectors that utiliseutilize our assessments for a range of recruitment, training and development purposes.

There are no setup fees and you simply pay as you go on a candidate-by-candidate basis by purchasing portal credits. Administering assessments to candidates is an extremely easy process; all the details you need are the candidate’s full name and email address. When your candidate completes the assessments, you are notified via email that their report is ready to be viewed. Our reports are easy to understand and informative and are supported by a a range of resources to assist our clients to understand what our assessment results mean. SACS staff are also available to provide phone and email support to our clients. To enhance our client experience, we also provide debriefs to hiring managers who may not be familiar with our assessments, so they are in the best possible position to decide whether to progress the candidate/s or not.

What is it / how it works:

Online psychometric assessments for recruitment or development purposes. Candidates receive an invitation email containing the links to complete the assessment/s they have been requested to complete. Once all assessments are completed, their report is generated in a matter of minutes and the organisationorganization is notified via email that it is ready to be viewed. SACS reports are simple and easy to understand, with risk ratings provided

 Key Features:

Assess candidates on their cognitive ability (intelligence), personality and values to learn their likelihood to succeed in a role they are being considered for and whether they are likely to be a good culture match to the organisationorganization.

Products / Modules Offered:

  • Premium Test 
  • Premium Test + Additional Measures
  • Intermediate Test
  • Intermediate Test + All Aptitudes
  • Intermediate Test + All Aptitudes + Additional Measures
  • Foundation Test
  • Foundation Test + All Aptitudes 
  • Foundation Test + All Aptitudes + Additional Measures





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