
It’s easy to use. It’s easy to navigate for our business. There are system and product enhancements that we get the benefit of. And the support we receive from PageUp has been fantastic.

Michaela Lihou

Group Manager, HR Innovation & Improvement, Programmed

Programmed Group is a leading provider of staffing, maintenance and facility management services. The company’s 20,000 employees are semi-skilled, skilled and professionals who work in a wide range of industries.

Before coming to PageUp, Programmed had six disparate systems for HR. The company was looking for a new approach to talent management, recruitment, onboarding, succession, performance, advanced analytics and learning.

At first, it was just looking for a way to improve its new hires’ onboarding experience and engagement, which had been a manual, paper-based process. Employee experience is always important, but with this manual system, Programmed was receiving a lot of negative feedback.

It also wanted a system that was easy for managers to use and addressed the nature of its workforce, in that the majority of its employees worked in the field and used mobile devices.

After seeing all that PageUp has to offer, Programmed realised it would benefit greatly from implementing the PageUp™ Unified Talent Management HR software solution.

Michaela Lihou, the Group Manager for HR Innovation & Improvement at Programmed, says PageUp’s HR software has made work easier for all across the entire organisation.

The difference PageUp has made is the end-user experience. It’s the same experience for them no matter what module they are using,” she says.

“It’s easy for them to use. They can access it from the web, so they don’t necessarily have to be connected to our network. It has made our lives much more easy in regard to accessing data.”

Interested in PageUp’s unified talent management system? Find out what some of our other clients have to say about our HR software today.

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