
The challenge

Since 1994, Life Without Barriers has helped jobseekers give back to the community through their work. With a team of over 7,000 professionals across Australia, the organisationorganization is a leading provider of community services such as foster care and disability services. 

In a single year, Life Without Barriers will recruit 2,200 positions – from frontline community services, to management and corporate roles. One challenge Life Without Barriers faced was delivering a consistently great recruitment experience at-scale for many cohorts. An added requirement is the need to make the application process easy for candidates with impairments and disabilities.   

In Australia’s Not-for-Profit sector there is high demand for skilled, qualified community carers and administrators. Life Without Barriers not only has to attract skilled people in a competitive market: they need to ensure these people are aligned with the organisation’s values of respect, relationships, responsiveness, imagination, and courageousness. “Our values aren’t just words on a page: they inform what we do and how we do it. It’s important to have this alignment when we’re recruiting new staff,” says David Meere, National Manager, Talent and Attraction.

The focus

Built on a foundation of client-centric service and a dedication to championing opportunities for all,  Life Without Barriers needed a software solution that allowed them to deliver on these core values. “As an organisationorganization, we partner with people to make their lives better, so the software solution we partner with is really important,” says Meere.

The solution had to engage all candidates, including those with impairments and disabilities, easily integrate with existing HR systems, and be scalable enough to meet future demand. “One in five new jobs created in Australia is going to be in the community services sector. We need to ensure we are getting the right people through our doors,” says Kate McCleod, Systems Analyst at Life Without Barriers. 

The solution 

Life Without Barriers selected PageUp Recruitment for its ability to deliver a great experience at-scale: from proactive job alerts, through to a streamlined application process, and the ability to nurture candidates in talent pools. “When we talk about an engaging candidate experience, it’s not just one point in time,” says Meere. “When jobseekers apply for a role, we want to constantly engage them and ensure we can tap into that talent pool when needed.” 

At each stage of the recruitment process, McCleod is seeing improvements in the candidate experience. “It’s huge for us to be able to easily send job alerts, establish campaigns and nurture candidates,” she says. It’s now easy for candidates of all abilities to apply for roles, with enlarged displays for people with visual or dexterity impairments, easy document uploading, and auto-fill capability. 

Behind the scenes, recruiters claim back hours in their day with automated bulk processes that provide individual touchpoints for each candidate through tailored job alerts and nurture campaigns. Since implementing PageUp Recruitment, Project Manager Karen Aylott has seen firsthand how the team has embraced the solution. “I wanted to make sure we selected a quick, simple, user friendly solution that doesn’t require too much technical capability,” says Aylott. “The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive from all of our internal stakeholders so far.”

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