

Data Driven Hiring Tools for Faster and More Accurate Hiring

Journeyfront is a data driven hiring platform designed to help you hire top talent fast. Make it easy to screen, interview and hire the best candidates while leveraging data and analytics to continuously streamline the hiring process.

How Journeyfront integrates with PageUp


Journeyfront is an HR and hiring software designed for HR specialists, recruiters, and hiring managers. Our seamless integration with PageUp, enables you to streamline your hiring process. With Journeyfront’s integration, you can order assessments for job applicants to facilitate your assessment, screening and interview processes.


Assessment Order

Assessment Orders are the mechanism by which a candidate is created in Journeyfront and associated with a Journeyfront Assessment Package and its associated assessments, screening questions, or tests.


Expected Applicant Workflow

The workflow of the applicant through the application process uses an inline workflow. The inline workflow is one in which the applicant is directed from PageUp to Journeyfront and after completion of the Journeyfront steps redirected back to PageUp with very little noticeable transition between systems.



To activate the PageUp integration within Journeyfront an API key will need to be obtained from PageUp. The API key can be added to Journeyfront by going into Settings – Integrations – PageUp.

Journeyfront will publish the list of available Assessment Packages directly to PageUp.

Once the Assessment Packages are available in PageUp they can be configured into the applicant workflows.





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